Wednesday, 16 May 2012

If the Crown fits.............A$125

One man’s mission to share with the world the fine art of cufflinks.  

Each blog a different pair and each blog a different story.  Read on in this series .....

One of the world's truly great collections of "crown" or "royal" jewels is to be found in the Kremlin Armoury Museum in Moscow.  Unlike most other Royal Houses, the Tsars of Russia had a new and more glamorous set of crowns, orbs and sceptres, crosses, chains and other royal regalia made at every inauguration.  Each Tsar had his own personal set of crown jewels. 

This wonderful collection in the Armoury includes pieces dating back to the Tsars of the 12 century.  There are gold thrones, diamonds and every conceivable jewel and precious metal is represented.  There is more bling in this place than you will ever see anywhere else on this earth.  It truly is a marvellous collection.

For those lovers of heist movies a quick glance at the strong rooms, doors, alarm devices, detection and movement sensors and armed personnel would make this also one of the best guarded collections in any museum as well.

Your scribe spent some months in Moscow some time ago and there are some past entries that detail the wonders of Moscow.  It's a wonderful town but make sure you're not there during winter. Unfortunately your scribe has been there for two winters in what one compatriot described as the coldest winter since Hitler.....and Napoleon before that!!!!!!!!

Today's links are nice novelty crowns and they are antique Russian silver.  They are quite unique and always get comments. I found them in a lovely little shop in Sydney Australia.  They are worn with a tailored cotton shirt and a Moschino silk neck tie with pentagram motifs.

Til Later


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