Monday, 12 December 2011

Las Vegas Pawn..........$135

One man’s mission to share with the world the fine art of cufflinks.
Each blog a different pair and each blog a different story.  Read on in this series.....
You can tell a man is awesome by his ability to disembark a helicopter on his way to a card game in Vegas and not spilling a single drop of his bourbon in the dismount…..Frank….Chairman of the Board is our Link Man of the day.

Any entertainer that can span seven decades in the rough and tumble of show business deserves credit. He had highs and he had lows but he was always just there through generations of listeners. After too many gins your scribe will always play “Ebb Tide” very loudly, it’s perhaps his greatest vocal achievement and he did have many.

 Frank epitomised all things Vegas and your scribe will always haunt the under belly back lots of Vegas through the hock and pawn shops whenever I’m there.

Haute couture, jewellery, wrist watches are all regularly sold or “traded” in for that little bit of extra cash to pump through the slots….a veritable gold mine for the Link Man on the prowl between mega glitz shows, Mai Tais by the pool and fine dinning. When on the hunt, the link man should always have an eye out for the universal symbol of loan sharks…..the three brass balls of the pawn shop….

Never comfortable taking advantage of one mans misfortune; this scribe considers casinos as self inflicted for those not wearing their “lucky cuff links” !!!!! If it’s in Vegas and it’s in hock, I guess its fair game. It’s all Fear and Loathing as far as your scribe is concerned.

Today’s links from a pawn shop worn with a silk Gene Meyer of New York neck tie and tailored shirt from Mr Chan of Hong Kong.

Til later


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