Sunday, 12 February 2012


One man’s mission to share with the world the fine art of cufflinks.

Each blog a different pair and each blog a different story.  Read on in this series….

Mark Twain has probably been attributed to more quotes than any other literary figure in history but the line of “Lies, lies and damn statistics” was most certainly him.  An old friend gave me his autobiography recently and it is a monumental work at over 400 pages…..and that is only Volume One!!!!  He didn’t allow publication or for its release until 100 years after his death, so that he could speak frankly and openly about anyone he wished.  As he said, he would be "dead, and unaware, and indifferent".

What was remarkable about this tome was that Twain actually utilised the most modern of technologies at that time to transcribe his memoirs…..the Dictaphone.  He saw the merits of all new technology and used them to his advantage in any way he could.  Twain reeled out thousands of hours of tape and had as many as six stenographers to type out his work.

Mark Twain playing with electricity in his good friend Nicola Tesla’s laboratory.

For those copyright lawyers amongst us, Twain was years ahead of his time in protecting his works. He had a great fear that when he died that his family would eventually loose income from his works and he lobbied and drew attention to the protection of artists works incessantly as he knew that his works would be popular for many years after the standard 42 years of copyright. “Authors die….publishers don’t”!!!!  Twain added one or two words within his copyright wording that protected his “written and electronic” works…..he was years ahead of his time.

Today’s links bear no relevance whatsoever to Mark Twain however we do return to our initial quote….”Lies…Lies and damn statistics”.  For all of you first year psychology and sociology students that have to bear the pain of Statistics 101 and are starting university in the next week or two our bar chart links are for you….

They are chrome pressed metal with a bar chart motif and were bought in a rambling antique and bric-a-brac shop in Newcastle, Australia.  They are worn with Burberry silk art deco neck tie and cotton Brooks Brother’s shirt.

Til Later


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