Monday, 20 February 2012

Where are my Buccaneers​?..........A$25

One man’s mission to share with the world the fine art of cufflinks.

Each blog a different pair and each blog a different story.  Read on in this series….

Once again we visit the world of novelty links and today’s were a gift from an associate on “Speak like a pirate day”……rather than wait for that day to come each year, I generally wear them when I am subject to negotiations with a fearsome adversary or business opponent!  So wish me luck today in my business dealings. They are worn with a cotton Savile Row shirt and Chanel anchor motif silk neck tie.

Regardless of Captain Jack Sparrow et al, there is a mystic in the esoteric world of piracy that has intrigued this scribe over the years in his history studies.  These marauding ocean goers unlike their normal social landlubber contemporaries of western society were in fact tribes of a limited democracies.  Pirate communities had ingrained a series of checks and balances to their social stratums that are found in modern democracies today.  They were years ahead of their time.  These communities cared for their wounded and provided financial compensation for injuries sustained in battle, the Captain was elected by its crew rather than selection by class or appointment and their booty was shared equally.  To top it all off a portion of all the loot obtained was placed in to a central fund as a means of buffering during the lean times!!!!

Whilst not an ideal life, it certainly had its attractions over servitude in the Royal Navy and many young seamen opted for the life of adventure of a pirate.

For those banking types, it is speculated that John Pierpont Morgan the American financier and general all round tycoon of the early 2oth Century insisted on being called “JP” so as not to be associated with Henry Morgan the famous pirate!!! They are both our Link men of the Day!



Til Later


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