Thursday, 23 February 2012

Our House..........A$145

One man’s mission to share with the world the fine art of cufflinks.

Each blog a different pair and each blog a different story.  Read on in this series….

You are all aware of your scribe’s passion for aviation and art deco but we have to add just one more “movement” to that list in my daily diversions…..The School of Bauhaus.

As a school or movement, it was established around the concepts of involving all art forms in the promotion and development of the architectural form.  The Bauhaus themes and styles became one of the most influential currents in modernist architecture and modern design in 20’s and 30’s Germany that spread across the world.  The Bauhaus had an enormous influence on all aspects in art, craft, furniture, architecture, graphic design, interior design, jewellery design, industrial design, and typography.

Our Link Man for the day must therefore be Tom Wolfe….the greatest “dandy” link man you could ever want to find.  Wolfe of course was responsible for some of the great books of our time including The Right Stuff (a must read), the portrayal of Ken Kessey and the Merry Pranksters in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and the classic of the 80’s decade of excess The Bonfire of the Vanities.

But the work that brought him the most criticism was From Bauhaus to Our House.

It was railed as a diminutive work that didn’t understand modern architecture and was rubbished from Robert Hughes down!!!   BUT it is an extremely well written work and well worth the visit just to understand the other side of the modernist architectural debate. 

Today’s links come from an antique store in Germany and although I am unsure as whether they are Bauhaus they certainly embody the spirit and style of Bauhaus. They are solid antique silver with enamel blue inlays and are worn with a tailored cotton shirt and a United Colours of Benetton silk neck tie with Jersey cow motifs.

Til Later


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